Saturday, August 13, 2011

sketchy buisnes is on again!

My last two posts for sketchy busines. an art blog that was operating
a few month ago, hosted by Tent corry.its mostly friends form school
and canadain animators/designers.
last two topics were summer blockbusters and stereotypes. the nerdy guy (not harry potter who is nerdy as well) was suppose to be a stereotypical nerd but turned out more as duchbag cocky nerd.

Friday, August 12, 2011


An Illustration I did for Hannan Levin of his daughter. it's part of an art project he put together. you can check it out here:

Monday, August 8, 2011

Illustration for a music site

I did this for free music site my friend Ronny started.
id put the link soon, i think the site down right now.